by Jack Loechner on Jun 27, 12:00 AM
First, a corrected table from Nielsen, then, according to data from the Nielsen//NetRatings AdRelevance service overall online advertising impressions jumped 77 percent year-over-year to 94.2 billion impressions in May as compared to 53.2 billion ad impressions one year prior. Retail goods and services took the top spot as the No. 1 industry advertising on the Web.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 17, 12:00 AM
Fewer people than usual listened to Internet radio stations on the Memorial Day holiday. "Web radio listening on Memorial Day was down 60 percent from the previous Monday," noted MeasureCast CEO Ed Hardy. " We typically see on-line radio listening decrease during national holidays because fewer people sit at their computers."
by Jack Loechner on Jun 17, 12:00 AM
The latest radio format study from Scarborough Research, indicates that 22 percent of American adults 18+ listen to News/Talk radio, and older adults are setting their dials to the News/Talk radio format. The study also reveals better-educated and affluent individuals are more likely to be News/Talk radio listeners.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 17, 12:00 AM
Ebay, Amazon and Yahoo! dominate the multi-category commerce sites while the News and Information sites are more evenly distributed, as shown in the most recent Nielsen data.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 17, 12:00 AM
ActivMedia's research, ``E-Survivors! Winning E-Commerce Strategies for 2001," identifies four basic online strategies. Three of the styles are generally "success" styles, while the fourth, practised by some of the most publicly visible, over-hyped sites, is a clear loser.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 17, 12:00 AM
Attitudes toward travel are shifting as events have disrupted travel plans for consumers and businesses. Harry Wolhandler, VP ActivMedia Research, says, ``Life online and offline will never again be the same. Propelled by forces outside personal control, people will adopt measures for protection that will range from lifestyle changes to acceptance of a measure of intrusion on personal freedom and liberty that had been vigorously rejected by the free-spirited early web pioneers.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 17, 12:00 AM
Moms are important! comScore Networks released the first review of Internet activity in the days and weeks leading up to Mother's Day 2002, reporting impressive year-over-year growth in both traffic and sales in the online Flower and Gift category, as well as a dramatic increase in the share of online floral purchases made by men in the final days leading up to May 12th.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 17, 12:00 AM
Total magazine advertising revenue for the month of March closed at $1,377,102,513, a 1.7% decrease from last year, according to Publishers Information Bureau (PIB). Advertising pages for March were 19,350, down 10.0% from last year. However, the returns for April alone were slightly better, with ad pages down 10% and ad revenue up 11% from March.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 17, 12:00 AM
According to a new Research Brief available from FIND/SVP, Baby Boomers who turn 50 develop a new set of values and self images that will affect how they act and spend. The Brief predicts that this vibrant population will be a $1 trillion dollar market by 2005. "Once a boomer hits 50, they run into a wall of marketer indifference," according to Andy Garvin, President of FIND/SVP and Editor of the Research Brief.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 17, 12:00 AM
According to the latest figures from CMR, this is the first year-over-year comparison where advertising spending rose instead of declined, since the first quarter in 2001. CMR estimates that total ad spending for the first quarter in 2002 came in at $23.5 billion, compared to $23.4 billion for the same time frame in 2001.