by Jack Loechner on Jun 27, 12:00 AM
Robert Coen, senior vice president for forecasting at the Interpublic Group, expects 2005 ad spending to grow 5.9 percent globally to $550 billion and U.S. spending to grow 6.5 percent to $280 billion. "Compared to last December, economic expectations are much brighter," Coen told reporters. "We can have more confidence that sustained economic expansion is in place."
by Jack Loechner on Jun 27, 12:00 AM
A new report from AccuStream iMedia Research , Streaming Advertising and Subscription: A Complete Market Analysis 2003-2005, concludes that stream-based advertising (audio and video) will make up 37% of total streaming media revenue in '04, up from 28% in 2003. Subscription and stream-based advertising revenue, says the report, is forecast at $625 million in 2004, and expected to reach $864 million in 2005, according to a new report issued by market analysis firm.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 27, 12:00 AM
Americans are clearly ready for summer according to the findings of last month's Internet traffic analysis, by comScore Media Metrix. Half of the top ten gaining categories in May were travel related, while the Movies and Weather categories also saw double-digit increases between April and May.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 27, 12:00 AM
In a comprehensive MediaMark Research study, completed in 2003, the section readership report is designed to address a range of strategic marketing questions that are often asked about targeting daily newspaper readers. Responses were collected to address issues such as the most-read section of the newspaper, the best place to target readers by occupation, male and female readership differences, married and singles reading Food section, likely readers for each section, and more.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 27, 12:00 AM
Deep drilling look at visitors to financial news and information sites in April and May. Flash technologies and Banner ads lead the way in reaching them.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 20, 12:00 AM
The Executive Briefing from BIGresearch for June concludes that rising gas prices have left consumers with a little less confidence in the economy, as sentiment lowers 1.5 points this month to 43.3%. And, more consumers in June are worrying less about political and national security issues...22.9% continue to be concerned, compared to 24.2% in May.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 20, 12:00 AM
In a DataMemo from ComScore, the importance of email in today's society emerges. The memo notes that Google's launch of Gmail and Yahoo's recent enhancements to its e-mail service have highlighted the importance of e-mail as one of the central applications of the Internet. E-mail services draw a large and loyal audience with a high degree of repeat visitation. Moreover, 15 percent of the average user's time online is spent at sites in the E-Mail category.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 20, 12:00 AM
WebTrends and eMarketer surveyed attendees at the Ad:Tech San Francisco conference on advertising technology, finding that 25.8% said they allot only between 0% and 5% of their marketing budget to online advertising, but that 33.5% of respondents said that over 41% of their marketing budget is spent online.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 20, 12:00 AM
Interland, a provider of online services for small and medium-sized businesses, recently released the results of its Spring 2004 Business Barometer of Online Activities, a survey of online usage by small businesses with Web sites. The group of small business owners surveyed was asked to select marketing tools critical in driving business.
by Jack Loechner on Jun 20, 12:00 AM
Nielsen//NetRatings, reports that last month more time was spent on online games than sport sites and news sites. More than 46 million, or nearly one in three online Americans, visited online game sites during May,2004. "The diversity of online game offerings showcases the popularity of games in the U.S.," said Kaizad Gotla, Internet analyst, Nielsen//NetRatings. "Ranging from sites that offer original games to content sites that offer the latest information on popular console and PC games, the gaming industry's presence online is indisputable."