by Jack Loechner on May 30, 12:00 AM
Scarborough Research recently released The Gay/Lesbian Consumer Online Census (G/L Census), an annual survey of the demographics, lifestyles and media patterns of gay and lesbian consumers, that finds that when it comes to television viewing preferences, this brand loyal consumer group tends to tune into programs with gay themes. They also rank news magazines and mainstream sitcoms and dramas among their top viewing choices.
by Jack Loechner on May 30, 12:00 AM
Whites, Blacks and Hispanics have more in common than differences when it comes to retail shopping behaviors, according to a special analysis of over 12,000 respondents to BIGresearch's newest Simultaneous Media Usage survey. However, media usage is much more divergent among these groups.
by Jack Loechner on May 30, 12:00 AM
According to a survey of 500 Americans, conducted online by InsightExpress, 15% of Americans have been a victim of identity theft with one-third having had a friend or family member victimized. An overwhelming majority of Americans (85%) are concerned that identity theft could happen to them, while almost three out of five (59%) are actively taking measures to protect themselves.
by Jack Loechner on May 30, 12:00 AM
Emarketer reports that, in a survey of 711 daily newspapers and TV stations in the US about their Internet-related advertising expense, by Borrell Associates, newspapers are successful at maintaining profitable Web sites, but TV stations still have not fully captured Internet ad spending. Traditional classified advertising done online is credited for a great deal of the revenues generated, noting that newspapers built themselves on this sector (classified advertising still comprises 60% of newspapers' revenues, down from 73% in 2002). TV stations are only just moving into the classified space.
by Jack Loechner on May 30, 12:00 AM
Nielsen//NetRatings reports that office workers flocked online to make Memorial Day travel plans, during the week ending May 23. More than 19 million unique visitors, or 41 percent of active online office workers, visited an online travel site at work last week.
by Jack Loechner on May 25, 12:00 AM
Amy Cravens, Senior Analyst, writes about a new report due out shortly on the residential communications service delivery perspective, specifically as seen in the multi-dwelling unit segment (apartment dwellers). She notes that the MDU segment not only accounts for 20 percent of US households, but is unique from single-family residences in many aspects, from property ownership to service delivery, which demands a unique approach.
by Jack Loechner on May 25, 12:00 AM
Joe Pilotta, Ph.D., Vice President of Research for BIGresearch, says that "By understanding how the various constituencies consume media, the presidential candidates can develop more effective ad plans. Candidates run the risk of decreased effectiveness (if they neglect) the 23% who have yet to decide. The three voter groups (Bush, Kerry and Undecided) are as different as their favorite magazines or radio formats,"
by Jack Loechner on May 25, 12:00 AM
A nationwide Harris Poll reveals that 26% of people who go online for news say that this use of the Internet reduces their use of other media such as television, newspapers, news magazines and the radio. But most (57%) say that it does not change their use of other news media, while 13% say that it changes their use of other media but doesn't reduce it.
by Jack Loechner on May 25, 12:00 AM
Newspapers in the top US 50 markets are reaching nearly eight out of 10 adults (78.6 percent) over the course of a week (five weekdays plus a Sunday), according to the spring 2004 Competitive Media Index from the Newspaper Association of America based on Scarborough Research.
by Jack Loechner on May 25, 12:00 AM
Reported by eMarketer, NOP World surveyed people in North America, Europe and Asia who are mobile phone users and have access to the Internet to determine the type of mobile content people prefer and how much they are will to pay for such services. The study found that people prefer content that is useful when they are "out and about," that the delivery method depends on the type of content; downloading for games; streaming and browsing for services that update frequently.