by Jack Loechner on Mar 30, 12:00 AM
Understanding the demographics and behavior of a category is essential for publishers and marketers to better reach and serve their target audiences. The Genealogy category represents a potentially attractive vehicle through which marketers can reach deeply involved Internet users within important segments, including women and seniors. According to comScore and the Online Publishers Association, Genealogy sites fall into the broader category of Community Directories, which in total generated $26 million in paid content revenue in the third quarter of 2002 (up 86 percent versus year-ago).
by Jack Loechner on Mar 30, 12:00 AM
Commerce beat News and Information sites in the first week of March, but you can bet that changed considerably in the last two weeks!
by Jack Loechner on Mar 30, 12:00 AM
David Hallerman, eMarketer, writes that among online advertising professionals, two schools of thought compete when it comes to metrics for planning and measuring ads on the Internet. One school insists that the main way, if not the only way, the Internet will be accepted among the mainstream media by the advertising industry is by comparing apples to apples. That means after years of pitching metrics such as impressions and click-through rates (CTRs), interactive ad agencies and publishers would deploy only traditional metrics.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 30, 12:00 AM
According a survey from InsightExpress and Universal McCann, US consumers are spending considerably less on certain everyday items like home electronics, household appliances, and in-home media entertainment considering the state of the economy and the threat of war with Iraq.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 22, 12:00 AM
Ben Macklin, Senior Analyst with eMarketer, explains that as the online population matures, the remaining offline population consists of those least likely to feel the need to use the Internet. He says that since surveys show that those who currently do not use the Internet say that they have no compelling need to do so, it seems apparent that Internet penetration will peak at 75% to 80% of the US population.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 22, 12:00 AM
According to the 10th Anniversary edition of the State of Cable & Broadband 2003 report by Horowitz Associates, digital cable and cable modem service will be available in over 84% of all cable markets by 2006. Eight out of ten operators (81%) plan to provide VOD, seven out of ten operators plan to provide HDTV and SVOD (75% and 70%, respectively), and six out of ten (61%) are planning to incorporate PVR capability on their digital cable service in the next 3 years.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 22, 12:00 AM
The Interep latest report on Country Radio. shows that out of the 10,571 commercial radio stations in the nation, 2,133 are Country music radio stations. Each week, 41.9 million adults listen to Country radio. This is the highest cumulative audience of all radio formats. The study also states that according to SoundScan sales figures, Country music sales were up in 2002.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 22, 12:00 AM
According to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and Grunwald Associates, 65% of children in the US, ages two to 17, use the Internet either at home, at school or some other location. The study determined, however, that despite the strong Internet penetration rate among kids in the US in general, there exists a significant at-home Net access divide among different ethnicities. The study determined that 49% Caucasian kids have Internet access at home, whereas just 33% of Hispanic children and 29% of African American children do as well.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 22, 12:00 AM
TEC International, a world organization of CEOs, released a quarterly survey of chief executives who are cautious but determined to make 2003 a better year despite the economy and the turbulent world environment. According to the Q1 TEC Index, 63 percent of CEOs expect a mild negative impact on their businesses if the United States goes to war with Iraq; 60 percent support war with Iraq even if the United States is not granted full support from the United Nations and its allies.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 22, 12:00 AM
According to a recent Harris Interactive Study, though students report that they do not pay a lot of attention to any particular type of advertising, most say they do pay at least some attention to TV, magazines, Outdoor, Radio and Newspaper.