by on Apr 30, 12:00 AM
Dead Nuts Stephanie Simon, writing for the LA Times, reports the Census Bureau statistic reflecting the precise center of the US population, and collected some interesting statistics. She says “Imagine the United States as a flat map. Then picture all 281 million Americans standing on the points representing their homes. Now balance that map on the tip of a pen. Edgar Springs (MO) is the balancing point.” Well, it may not be the focal point for an advertising campaign, but then it may BE an advertising campaign! - You can buy a house for $30,000 - It's …
by on Apr 30, 12:00 AM
Be A Big Fish In A Little Market Renee Cassis, VP Corporate Marketing, at the
Radio Advertising Bureau, writes that the RAB has concluded its annual March, 2001 NTR survey to determine how radio stations across the country are pursuing Non-Traditional Revenue (NTR). Of significant importance to agencies, these "events" offer unique opportunities for advertisers to introduce cost effective, creative programs in local markets. The survey found that 65% of the respondents came from stations in markets with a population under 500,000. And, 50% of the stations indicated that they would never consider an NTR campaign that …
by on Apr 27, 12:00 AM
50 (count 'em) Digital Properties For just raw, reach numbers without editorial comment, here's the latest Top 50 Media Metrix U.S. Web and digital media properties according to combined, home/work usage in the United States. The Top Properties are based on unduplicated audience reach, known as unique visitors. These Unique Visitors are the actual number of total users who visited the reported Web site or online property at least once in the February 2001 Measurement Period (02/01/01-02/28/01. All Unique Visitors are unduplicated (only counted once) and are in thousands. Digital Media Properties - Unique Visitors …
by on Apr 26, 12:00 AM
Slow, But Sure? Jim Conagham, Newspaper Association of America's (NAA) vice president of market and business analysis, developed an extensive forecast report in early 2001 based on the reporting of several renowned research services and sources. While the numbers will see some roller coaster revisions for several weeks, the magnitudes and relationships give a good benchmark for the development of plans and strategies for the year. One interesting perspective on how things might fall apart was offered by Business Week editor Michael Mandel in "The Coming Internet Depression." Mandel theorizes that the new technology-business cycle means longer economic expansions …
by on Apr 25, 12:00 AM
A Time To Sow In a recent article in MediaLife Magazine, Kevin Downey cites research that shows that a recession or slowdown is perhaps the best time to increase spending and build market share. He says that Cahners Publishing and SPI, for example, found in 1982 that advertisers that had the highest increases in ad spending increased market share by 1.5 points during a recession. That compares to only a 0.2 point increase during normal economic times for the same level of increased spending. The American Association of Advertising Agencies, in a report called "Advertising in a Recession," …
by on Apr 24, 12:00 AM
Yo’ Mama eMarketer reports that slightly over half of the online population in America is women. They also quoted a Jupiter Media Metrix report that over a third of online women are between the ages of 18 and 55. And, they say, many of those women have children. The study reports where mothers go online and why. Web Benefits for US Mothers, 2001 (% of total respondents) Source of parenting information 96% Entertainment 92% Educational tool for children 92% Saves time 90% Parental Guidance 88% Online purchase w/in 6 mos. 86% Clicked on banner ad w/in …
by on Apr 22, 12:00 AM
Needed: More Haves "Those who lack access to the Internet – and the resources necessary to utilize its benefits – are at a growing disadvantage in education, economic advancement and job training," said Tom Mattia, vice president of Global Communications and Community Affairs for EDS. A recent survey by Harris Interactive for EDS addressed the so-called "digital divide" between the country’s computer-age haves and have-nots. The respondents ranked the effectiveness of corporate America, non-profit organizations, and the federal government in addressing the digital divide. The perception of haves and have-nots is different in who provides the better …
by on Apr 20, 12:00 AM
Who Can You Trust? The seventh annual Middleberg/Ross survey of media in the wired world reports that use of the Internet by news reporters and editors is at an all time high, according to a recent report in Adweek. But, the report finds that "[Journalists] repeat rumors that originate online, (and) are increasingly willing to use e-mail for interviewing. And (they) are unwilling to expand their readers' understanding by linking to other sites, even when the sites are not competitors," according to Steve Ross, an associate professor at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. The survey …
by on Apr 19, 12:00 AM
Asian B2B According to Gartner Group, Inc., Asian B2B Internet commerce in the Asia/Pacific region (including Japan) reached $96.8 billion in 2000, which was 22 percent of the worldwide total of $433.3 billion, and in 2001 it is on pace to reach $220 billion, or 24 percent of the total. By 2005, Asia/Pacific will account for 28 percent of the worldwide total, with B2B Internet commerce transactions of $2.4 trillion. (sales of goods and services for which the order-taking process was completed via the Internet) For marketers and advertisers involved in the global marketplace, a recent report by …
by on Apr 17, 12:00 AM
Black and White and Read All Over Despite declining readership over the past 30 years, researchers said newspapers are healthy products with 85% of the adult population using a newspaper on a weekly basis, according to a study by the Readership Institute at the Media Management Center at Northwestern University. "We've not been this strong since the forties," said John Lavine, director of the Institute. Looking at newspaper vs TV shows on the same Sunday, the study found that - 43 million adults watched the premier of "Survivor," - 86 million tuned in to the Super Bowl -132 …