by Jack Loechner on May 31, 6:15 AM
According to a new survey by iProspect. "The Affluent Male: What His Online Behavior Can Teach Luxury Brand Marketers," there are 19 million affluent men on the internet, researching, shopping and spending at higher rates than ever before. iProspect defines an affluent male as being 18 years or older, with a household income of at least $100,000. 69 of the survey respondents had a HHI of $100K - $300K. 50% fell between the ages of 45 and 64.
by Jack Loechner on May 30, 6:15 AM
For decades survey research has provided trusted data about political attitudes and voting behavior, the economy, health, education, demography and many other topics. But political and media surveys are facing significant challenges as a consequence of societal and technological changes. A new study by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, shows that it has become increasingly difficult to contact potential respondents and to persuade them to participate.
by Jack Loechner on May 29, 6:15 AM
According to a new report from the RAB, radio posted its third consecutive Q1 increase in 2012 with a 1% rise to $3.814B. Surges in Digital (+10%) and Network (+8%) and a significant increase in Off-Air (+3%) combined with a stable Spot sector, led to the positive results.
by Jack Loechner on May 28, 6:15 AM
According to Kathryn Cave, Editor of IDG Connect, with an analysis of research into marketers' opinions of tablet growth to discover how today's marketers will impact tomorrow's business landscape, 12% of iPad users already say the device has completely replaced their traditional laptop, while another 54% said it had partially replaced their laptop. In addition, 44% of marketers believe tablets will have a high or very high impact on laptop use in 2012.
by Jack Loechner on May 25, 6:52 AM
According to a research initiative by the National Restaurant Association and LivingSocial to study consumer perceptions related to restaurant operator marketing practices, among restaurant operators who had used various marketing communication forms to prospective consumers, 94% rated TV ads very or somewhat effective by the largest proportion of respondents, beating out email effectiveness by four points.
by Jack Loechner on May 24, 6:15 AM
According to Jacobs Media's new study of core radio listeners, the high-tech revolution continues, but broadcast radio's pathway to success may turn out to be more high-touch. The elements that often matter to audiences transcend gadgets and platforms.
by Jack Loechner on May 23, 7:15 AM
According to Bitly research studies and analysis, different social networks have their own distinct personalities. The report shows how content propagates (or "goes viral") through social networks, particularly how the day and time posted affects the eventual amount of attention it will receive. The study evaluates the persistence of a link by calculating the half life: the amount of time at which a link will receive half of the clicks it will ever receive after it's reached its peak.
by Jack Loechner on May 22, 6:15 AM
According to the hybris 2012 "MultiChannel Shopping Survey," even while shopping in a brick-and-mortar store, consumers continue to turn to digital channels with 19% reporting that they browse their mobile device while in-store. 66% do so to compare prices with others, using mobile to compare product choices (27%) and online recommendations (7%).
by Jack Loechner on May 21, 6:15 AM
Following the Facebook IPO launch on Friday, Experian Hitwise has provided an updated post based on US data showing the impact Facebook has online with its growth over the years.
by Jack Loechner on May 18, 6:15 AM
According to a study conducted by Ipsos Marketing, store brands may be starting to improve on several product benefits typically associated with national brands, namely: quality, innovativeness, uniqueness and packaging.