by Jack Loechner on Jul 31, 3:01 AM
According to the BIGresearch July Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey over 60% of truck owners are making fewer shopping trips, plus they are shopping closer to home, using coupons more often and doing more comparative shopping both online and with newspaper ads and circulars.
by Jack Loechner on Jul 28, 3:00 AM
A recent comScore Media Metrix release of its monthly analysis of consumer activity at top online properties and categories, reports that Internet users from more than 35 countries worldwide visited the official World Cup site at, which received an average of nearly 4 million daily visitors worldwide. 4.3 billion pages were viewed by fans around the world from June 9 - July 9. And, American interest in the World Cup Tournament drove the Online Gambling category into the top ten gaining category list, making it the second-highest gainer during the month of June.
by Jack Loechner on Jul 27, 3:00 AM
A deep drill-down on Online video and movie sites and in theatre advertising, including destinations, viewer demographics, advertisers and ad types, sizes and delivery data.
by Jack Loechner on Jul 26, 3:00 AM
According to the BIGresearch Consumer Intentions & Actions Survey of over 8,000 consumers as of July 12, confidence rebounds with 39.5% confident/very confident in chances for a strong economy, up almost four points from last month, but still four points below last year (43.9%). And, this uptick in confidence also has consumers less worried about political/national security issues. This month, 18.1% report that they remain concerned, down about a point from last month, and even with last year.
by Jack Loechner on Jul 25, 3:00 AM
Though found in a variety of places, this Ad Spending forecast from TNS Media Intelligence in June is a valuable data reference document. The current report shows that total U.S. advertising spending is expected to increase 4.9 percent in 2006 to $150.3 billion. This is a downward revision from the company's prior forecast of 5.4 percent growth issued in January.
by Jack Loechner on Jul 24, 3:00 AM
The Executive Summary reporting the July Borrell "Update: Online Real Estate Advertising," says that the $11 billion spent on total real estate advertising has stagnated, growing less than four percent over the past four years, while the available advertising inventory, the number of existing homes for sale on the market, rose 41 percent in the last 12 months.
by Jack Loechner on Jul 21, 3:00 AM
A deeper look at sites visited for news, including top sites, reader demographics, advertisers, type and size of ads, and delivery.
by Jack Loechner on Jul 20, 3:00 AM
According to BIGresearch's June Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey, when asked how often they research products online before buying them in person or in a store, 87% of nearly 7,500 respondents said they did so occasionally to regularly
by Jack Loechner on Jul 19, 3:00 AM
According to the Workplace Survey, conducted in May by publisher Vault Inc., women prefer to work for men rather than for other women. When asked if they would prefer a male or female boss, 28%, of the women picked a male boss rather than a female boss, though the majority of both the men and women surveyed had no preference. The survey is comprised of 518 responses from employees representing a variety of industries across the country, and is made up of 52% women and 48% men.
by Jack Loechner on Jul 18, 3:00 AM
On the assumption that people are people, detailed recent use and demographic information in depth about French bloggers can be translated to media and marketing in the U.S. Outside the USA, France is one of the leading 'blogging' countries and its "blogosphere" (bloggers and/or blogs' creators) is growing fast. According to a recent exclusive crmmetrix study, 26.7% of the French online population visit a blog at least once a month.