by Jack Loechner on Mar 31, 3:00 AM
Recently, Emarketer assembled a series of independent study data revealing the importance of the Internet to seniors. They report that, "as a follow up to its 'Older Americans and the Internet' study done last year, the Pew Internet and American Life Project found that the percentage of older Americans who go online is steadily increasing."
by Jack Loechner on Mar 30, 3:00 AM
A new study, released by IDC, by the independent research and advisory firm Financial Insights, measured the impact of identity theft on consumer fears and on their banking and online behaviors.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 29, 3:00 AM
According to BIGresearch's March Consumer Intentions and Actions 18-34 year olds are the satellite radio providers #1 age group for current subscribers and also for those planning on buying in the next 6 months. However, it appears that for those 35+, the majority say they don't plan on buying/subscribing to satellite radio at this time, and are less likely to be current subscribers.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 28, 3:00 AM
Traditionally, data about children's media use have been in the domain of marketers and media companies, the result of proprietary surveys conducted for commercial purposes and not available to the broader public. The Kaiser Family Foundation recently released a reports which they describe as "publicly available, reliable, and objective data documenting the patterns and trends of media use among young people.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 24, 5:23 PM
A deep look at popular sites for Current Events & Global News including demographics, advertisers, ad types and sizes.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 24, 3:00 AM
According to comScore Media Metrix, more than 14 million Americans age 13 to 17 accessed the Internet in January 2005. The recent edition of The Score focuses on the Internet behavior of this highly sought after demographic segment.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 23, 3:00 AM
In its inaugural Benchmark Report, M:Metrics reveals that the market for mobile content and applications, while still young, includes the mainstream of mobile subscribers and spans gender and age groups. 58 percent of mobile subscribers use their handsets for something other than making phone calls.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 22, 3:00 AM
According to a new CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, relatively few Americans are familiar with the phenomenon of blogging, in which individuals post running narratives of their thoughts and observations on whatever interests them.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 21, 3:00 AM
BIGresearch's Consumer Intentions & Actions Survey, March 2005, monitoring over 8,000 consumers provides unique insights in a fragmented and transitory marketplace.
by Jack Loechner on Mar 18, 3:01 AM
Yet another year-end wrap up to fortify the previous conclusions that total advertising expenditures for all media in 2004 increased 9.8 percent to $141.1 billion compared to 2003, according to data released today by TNS Media Intelligence