by Jack Loechner on Dec 30, 6:15 AM
74% of consumers say there is a connection between watching a video on social media and their purchasing decision-making process.
by Jack Loechner on Dec 29, 6:15 AM
"2017 is going to provide an interesting opportunity for news organizations, thanks to voice-activated personal home assistants," says Ray Soto, design director of emerging technologies at USA Today Network.
by Jack Loechner on Dec 28, 6:15 AM
28% of Americans would love to spend the holidays with their families in virtual reality (VR) and that video sharing will be popular this holiday season, especially as a means of keeping in touch with friends and family.
by Jack Loechner on Dec 27, 7:30 AM
"... this year's 'peak week' (Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday) reveals how, when and where U.S. shoppers navigated the online retail space during the busiest shopping week(s) of the year."
by Jack Loechner on Dec 26, 6:15 AM
According to a new comScore report, showing holiday season U.S. retail e-commerce spending from desktop computers for the first 48 days of the November-December 2016 holiday season, $55.2 billion has been spent online
by Jack Loechner on Dec 23, 6:15 AM
Marketing and IT functions need to work together more closely. A survey of both senior marketing and IT professionals has revealed that there are significant differences between these two core business functions.
by Jack Loechner on Dec 22, 6:15 AM
90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone, at 2.5 quintillion bytes of data a day!
by Jack Loechner on Dec 21, 6:15 AM
After years of disruptive change that has lead to better informed, more empowered consumers, it has become more difficult than ever for brands to control customer perception with traditional marketing.
by Jack Loechner on Dec 20, 6:50 AM
According to Capital One's latest Spark Business Barometer, tracking 400 small business owners' financial conditions, economic perceptions, hiring plans and other indicators of small business growth, small business owners are preparing for weaker sales this holiday season, with only 23% expecting an increase in sales, down from 29% a year ago.
by Jack Loechner on Dec 16, 6:15 AM
According to TapInfluence, the annual 2017 "Tap Ten" digital advertising spend will overtake traditional advertising by the end of 2016 with the margin expected to grow in 2017.