• The Brand In Today's Market
    It's a good time to be a consumer, says Nielsen Podcast. The product landscape is flooded with variety and options, and it seems like the number of channels shoppers can use to access those options are constantly expanding. These challenges alone set the stakes pretty high for brands looking to stand out.
  • Teen Talk
    As marketers turn their attention to Gen Z, it pays to know what they're talking about, especially as a new report from Engagement Labs reveals that they have 35% more product conversations daily than adults ages 21 and older
  • Trust The Military
    Asked in the United States earlier this year, 80% of Americans said they have confidence that the military will act in the best interests of the public.
  • Made In China ?!
    Trade disputes have dominated relations between the world's two biggest economies in recent weeks, as Washington and Beijing have slapped tariffs on goods from their respective countries.
  • Programatic Media Buying
    Programmatic media buying has become the standard for B2B marketers. 63% of B2B marketers indicated they currently buy or sell advertising programmatically, essentially flat from a year ago.
  • Emotional Sales
    Rejection is one of the most painful of all human experiences. And when you choose a career in sales, you are actually signing up to seek out rejection.
  • Company Value
    This methodology is based on a review of 1,100 articles, books and academic papers on competitive advantage, differentiation, unique selling points, and value proposition combined with almost 20 years of experimentation with brands' real products and actual customers.
  • Be A PR Pro
    Getting your first PR job can be both thrilling and terrifying, says a report from Ragans PR Daily by Jordan Danielson. Not only are you excited to start your career, but you're eager to make a good impression.
  • Kids Have Clout
    According to the GfK MRI American Kids Study, 94% of children ages 6 to 11 say they influence the back-to-school items or clothes their parents buy for them.
  • vMVPDs Consumed In Linear Fashion
    Equity research firm Cowen & Company believes the traditional cable, satellite and telco TV market might be stabilizing, at least until Generation Z enters the workforce.
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