• NEW! easyJet Takes Kids On First Flight. Reactions Are Priceless
    A group of children who never flew before were asked about their flying expectations. First, kids talk about why they haven't flown. For one child, it's because his dad only has a car; for another, it's because her parents have never flown. Then for their expectations: Kids want to see adults resemble ants, have butterflies in their stomach, and see clouds up close and personal. EasyJet brought kids to the airport for "My First Flight," although the flying part was a surprise. The kids thought they were on a field trip to visit an …
  • Down Syndrome Questions Answered By Those Who Have It
    FCB Canada created a brilliant campaign for the Canadian Down Syndrome Society. When parents learn their unborn child has Down Syndrome, they undoubtedly have scores of questions. A series of short videos feature people with Down Syndrome answering questions most-asked by expectant parents. In addition, whenever someone in Canada Googles a question about Down Syndrome, the videos will appear in the search results. Viewers learn when babies with Down Syndrome learn to talk, read, ride a bike, play sports, their life expectancy, what parent the condition come from and …
  • 'The Wetter The Weather, The Better The Butter,' Says Kerrygold
    With St. Patrick's Day almost here, let's take a trip to the Emerald Isle, where, spoiler alert: It rains often. For Kerrygold butter, that's considered a "Perfect Day." The ad begins with a handsome man biking to work. It's pouring out, yet the man is happy as a clam. He passes young girls in their bathing suits, a wedding, and old men reading the newspaper. Everyone is soaked but stoked. The man arrives at a farm, where he seductively says: "Morning, ladies." He's talking to a meadow of cows, because "the wetter the weather, …
  • CobornsDelivers.com, Making Grocery Time 'Me' Time
    It took me a few seconds to detect the woman's sarcasm in this ad for CobornsDelivers.com, a Twin Cities-based online grocer. I am one of the few people who actually enjoys grocery shopping... in a brick-and-mortar store... with an actual shopping cart. In the brand's first TV spot, by Shout Creative, we eye a woman relaxing at her kitchen island. She describes grocery shopping as a form of "me time" that allows her to focus. The ad quickly cuts to the woman sanitizing her grocery cart, navigating the aisles with a wobbly wheel and …
  • EyeCons App Awards Players With Offline Prizes
    Random App of the week: Hersch Games created EyeCons, a match-two puzzle game that awards location-specific, physical prizes. Marketed as a customizable tile game for brands, EyeCons enables businesses, events and venues to promote themselves and affiliated sponsors. EyeCons features a series of tiles, each branded with a logo, product or prize. Players touch matching tiles as fast as possible to win prizes as they move up in levels. Basketball fans could win discounts on merchandise during halftime, or moms could nab family-oriented products while waiting for soccer practice to end. Created by Los York, …
  • NEW! Bank Of America Launches Unbranded Video Promoting Special Olympics Athlete
    Girls rule. Wet weather makes for better butter. Let's launch!
  • NEW! ONE Organization Launches #GirlsCount
    Droga5 created #GirlsCount on behalf of Bono's ONE organization to draw attention to the staggering fact that 130 million girls are denied education globally. #GirlsCount consists of a website and online video that features celebrities and regular people counting. The campaign's goal is to have all numbers between one and 130 million counted aloud, edited into one long video and sent to our leaders to get schooling for these girls. On the website, users can pick from a score of available numbers and upload a picture of themselves holding the number or a video …
  • NEW! Microsoft's #MakeWhatsNext Enourages Girls To Stay In STEM
    Timed again with International Women's Day, Microsoft launched its third #MakeWhatsNext campaign, which encourages young girls to continue an interest and degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and make the world a better place. Only 6.7% of U.S. women and 16% of women globally graduate college with STEM degrees. The request is clear: Stay in STEM and #MakeWhatsNext. In the video, Microsoft asks girls about the problems they want to solve. Answers range from curing breast cancer or climate change, to making a self-sustaining environment. Through virtual reality, the girls are …
  • NEW! Mercedes-Benz Branded Videos Want Millennials To 'Grow Up'
    A set of branded videos for Mercedes-Benz, targeting Millennials and encouraging them to "Grow Up," are heavy for an automotive campaign. No Matthew McConaughey stretching out in the backseat here. Becoming an adult means facing tough situations, not running from them. Each of the five videos, running from four to five minutes, is chock full of life handing out lemons and the main characters finally facing uncomfortable events, typically inside a Mercedes. Each video follows a basic situation of adulthood like getting a job,settling down, starting a family. As we know, life isn't always a …
  • NEW! Camions of Care Rebrands As Period To Lead Menstrual Movement
    Menstrual hygiene advocacy nonprofit Camions of Care has rebranded as PERIOD and launched a new website that educates and informs visitors about the company's objectives and menstrual issues. Founded in 2014, by then 16-year old high school student Nadya Okamoto, the organization supports the menstrual needs of at-risk and sheltered women throughout the U.S. The organization has expanded its cause movement to now include the repeal of the sales tax that 37 states place on menstrual hygiene products, and a national expansion of its campus chapter network. Created by Swift, the website maintains that menstrual …
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