by Wayne Friedman on Oct 17, 1:30 PM
Hand it to The Walt Disney Company: These days it is seemingly doing the right things at the right times for most--not all--of its customers.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 16, 2:45 PM
Are we bored with the TV war in Iraq? Though the war has produced some of its bloodiest casualty numbers this past summer, the number of embedded journalists has dwindled to under a dozen.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 13, 4:30 PM
Praise for TiVo Kidzone by the Parents Television Council? That would only make sense if the PTC recommends some kids' shows.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 12, 11:45 AM
"The CBS Evening News" and Versus' NHL hockey are trying to avoid similar fates--trying not to end up in last place again in their respective TV programming genres.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 11, 12:45 PM
How do you make an older evening newscast younger? Why, just run younger commercials, of course. Want even fewer advertising dollars than you have now? Run younger ads.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 10, 2:30 PM
Despite what you think are its political leanings, the Fox News Channel has hit a nerve for viewers concerned with American politics. Its chairman, Roger Ailes, would rather get the nerve of respect.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 9, 1:30 PM
CBS took the appropriate "three times" route, removing "Smith," starring Ray Liotta, after three airings. NBC moved "Kidnapped" off the schedule after a couple of outings....
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 6, 11:45 AM
Want to keep your job? Buy your boss lunch. Want to keep your job for a few years? Tell your boss what you are doing--even if he hasn't asked, and seemingly doesn't want to know. Want to keep your job and the good graces of your corporate superiors? Do what they say--fire people. If you work for Viacom's Sumner Redstone or the Tribune Co., these are the lessons to learn.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 5, 2:30 PM
George Lucas has a TV series coming to a theater near you. And that theater is in your living room--or maybe on the desk that holds your laptop. He says the future is quality and the medium is television.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 4, 3:30 PM
High budgets and big stars and low ratings equal entertainment TV math 101: Anything has a good chance at failure. Consider "Studio 60," which is an Aaron Sorkin creation, boasting top talent and top writing. Ratings are drifting south. Critics love it, but will viewers stick with quality TV?