by Wayne Friedman on Dec 23, 2:00 PM
With all the activities of the last several weeks, one would have finally thought TV networks were forward-thinking in terms of on-demand programming deals. Then Fox makes an about face--of sorts. One of Fox's new episodes of cult hit "Family Guy" that will air in the new year will be one that has been already out for months on DVD.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 22, 3:15 PM
I've been having TV-induced business nightmares the past several days: Dan Patrick of ESPN's "SportsCenter" has been sending me "code" words, asking me to join him on "SportsCenter" as a co-host.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 21, 1:30 PM
Think you have a enough ways to getting to TV content these days? Oh, no. Surprisingly, you are starving yourself for all the entertainment possibilities--especially when you leave home.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 20, 2:15 PM
Media companies are now dipping their toes into the waters of single sponsorship of magazines. But snapping turtles lie beneath the water line.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 19, 1:30 PM
The WB needs a lot this Christmas--better programs, and apparently even another partner or two.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 16, 2:00 PM
For all that the networks have done with Apple's iTunes Music Store, DirecTV, Comcast VOD, and mobile phone deals, the underlying feeling is that their core revenue business--network advertising sales--is slowing.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 15, 2:00 PM
What with the standard flux of sitcoms, procedural crime dramas, reality shows, and medical shows, prime-time genres have been pretty stale over the last few years. Now ABC and CBS, as well as a bunch of other producers, are looking to break out a bit in the summer--their experimentation time--by producing English-language versions of Spanish-language style "telenovelas," focused mainly on love and betrayal.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 14, 1:00 PM
The Super Bowl gets the highest price for commercials on television--duly deserved for the TV show that gets the highest rating of the year. Yet in the last three years the event hasn't shown a price increase.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 13, 1:30 PM
Viacom's acquisition of DreamsWorks SKG's live-action unit has its own film-distribution TV motives, but the more crucial part of the deal is what DreamWorks animated product will do for the Viacom cable TV network-brand, Nickelodeon.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 12, 1:00 PM
Has Internet-created content influenced traditional TV program production? Nope. Not in the slightest, according to some TV executives.