by Wayne Friedman on Dec 23, 12:00 AM
National TV advertisers who have been considering self mutilation due to new digital TV recording technologies may have something to calm the sting: a new system from Time Warner will allow viewers to get a second chance to see TV commercials.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 22, 12:00 AM
Cablevision Systems has taken its head out of the high-definition TV clouds; it is looking to sell or stop its money pit high-def programming enterprise Voom after barely one year in existence.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 21, 12:00 AM
God is a big player on network television these days. His name is brought up more now than in the mid-1990s, according to a study by the TV pressure group, the Parents Television Council (PTC).
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 20, 12:00 AM
William Morris Agency (WMA) restructured last week because a number of older talent agents weren't aggressive enough in cross-pollinating TV and film clients into new business areas of the agency.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 17, 12:00 AM
All of a sudden it seems like the hip way to market TV and music entertainment has nothing to do with ratings, radio airplay, cable subscribers, or a music video; the key is having your own birthday card store.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 16, 12:00 AM
Future growth in the TV industry may be with entertainment lawyers who specialize in suing over reality show copyright.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 15, 12:00 AM
The real indecency fines are ready to be imposed.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 14, 12:00 AM
On the same day "Desperate Housewives" outguns "The Sopranos" with more Golden Globe nominations, the makers of "Girls Gone Wild" plan to offer a few golden globes of their own during the Super Bowl.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 13, 12:00 AM
Now even ancient warriors and artists are included in the FCC's current moral crusade.
by Joe Mandese on Dec 10, 12:00 AM
Gemstar TV Guide International appears poised to morph once again. And this time, it may be into a business that most people - especially those on Madison Avenue - actually understand: TV programming. Sure, Gemstar already is a "programmer" of sorts. Its TV Guide Channel is among the best-distributed cable networks, and over the past couple of years Gemstar has continued to reinvest in its content. But it would be a stretch to call its content - still mainly scrolling TV listings, interstitials, ads and TV promos - programming in the sense that most media buyers think of it. That …