by Wayne Friedman on Oct 31, 8:00 AM
Top-flight experts have blown the reading of where the economy has been headed before -- especially on the verge of hard times. This makes for a cloudy media view.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 28, 9:00 AM
From a macroeconomic point of view, the YouTube decline represents an ominous slowdown in the ad economy and the consumer economy overall.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 27, 9:00 AM
The Uber ad network boosts the whole idea of the "retail media network." Who doesn't love the idea of being a network? So let's act like one.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 26, 9:00 AM
Let's just say profitability may currently be an obstacle for premium streamers. More than a few analysts have said just one premium streamer is in positive territory: Netflix.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 25, 9:00 AM
If more "unfiltered," unverifiable content continues to float around news digital platforms, there is inherent danger for the advertising brands backing that content.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 24, 9:00 AM
John Hodulik, media analyst for UBS, expects ad revenues will grow slowly at Netflix, with ad revenues for the U.S. and Canada expected to hit $2 billion in 2025.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 21, 9:07 AM
Senate Republican super PACs and campaigns spent more than their opponents in five key states. A dwindling supply of key, high-rated TV commercials has forced pricing up, and GOP candidates have had issues with fundraising, which means means fewer TV commercials they can buy.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 20, 9:00 AM
A report by Precise TV and Giraffe Insights finds a majority of families co-view content on VOD, CTV and live, linear TV, and a Future Today study says co-viewing is growing on streaming.
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 19, 9:00 AM
Comcast's Spectacor is pulling the plug on the video game-centric G4 network, launched in March this year as FAST channel (Free Advertising-Supported TV).
by Wayne Friedman on Oct 18, 9:00 AM
It seems the Murdochs are looking at having more content available -- even if some is tangential when it comes to synergistic media-selling business operations.