by Wayne Friedman on Jun 30, 4:00 PM
The WB will give viewers a five-hour send-off Sept. 17, re-airing pilots from its key shows "Buffy," "Felicity" and "Dawson's Creek.
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 29, 1:00 PM
It seems that ABC Research is the main reason that "The View" will now have a rocky transition, according to reports, with both Meredith Vieira and Star Jones Reynolds now leaving--the latter not of her own volition.
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 28, 12:15 PM
After months of bidding up its stock as high as $40 a share or more, Univision apparently came to its senses---and then some--by taking an apparently lower bid from a group of investors led by Haim Saban. That's right, lower. You can only use so many billions, I guess.
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 27, 2:00 PM
How can you get attention from your seemingly underperforming cable news editorial staff? Promote from within, and somewhat wildly.
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 26, 12:30 PM
Want to reveal the mysteries of the upfront? Follow the relaxation routines, general relative telephone habits, and favorite main courses, appetizers, and desserts of key players.
by David Goetzl on Jun 23, 3:30 PM
As frustrating as it can be to cover an extended upfront (reporters often feel like the net on a Ping-Pong table, stuck in the middle as buyers and sellers try to out-volley each other with spin shots), one of the benefits this year has been more of Rich Goldfarb.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 22, 2:00 PM
Some readers took exception to Tuesday's column questioning a trade report that this year's upfront negotiations are truly more secretive than normal. We always thought they were handled pretty secretively, but what do we know? Since the actual process apparently has been a secret to us, we thought we'd ask you, our readers (both buyers and sellers), to share your opinions about this year's upfront, as well as some broader questions concerning the upfront in general. Please click
here to participate in a brief online survey.
by David Goetzl on Jun 21, 2:45 PM
The saddest thing about Dan Rather's unceremonious departure from CBS News is the botched report that undoubtedly led to his downfall probably should have been avoided.
by Joe Mandese on Jun 20, 1:00 PM
Few things are watched more closely by us at TV Watch than the way the TV industry press watches TV's annual upfront advertising marketplace. How the trade press covers the upfront goes a long way toward shaping perceptions of upfront advertising demand. It's always a moving target for reporters who must piece the big picture together by talking - largely off-the-record - to media buyers and network sales execs, with few if any publicly accountable bits of information to work on. This year appears to be especially problematic, with reliable information harder to come by than ever before.
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 19, 1:31 PM
TV's future may be all about digital platforms, including video-on-demand--but the present is all about shelf space, where there is pretty much still only one supermarket.