by on Oct 16, 7:25 PM
In their Marketing Guide and Factbook for Advertisers, the Radio Advertising Bureau points out, and supports, the fact that radio is selective, mobile, intrusive, cost-effective, intimate and immediate. OK, it’s from radio for radio, and that always raises the question about who’s research is accurate or biased (a subject for a later report), but in this case, more is better. Whether or not you’re planning or executing radio in your media mix, this report is a valuable primer. 53 pages of sourced statistics, charts, and editorial comment preclude an adequate summary in this space, but here’s a few of …
by on Oct 13, 8:27 PM
Of Importance to Those Dependent on (More) Accurate Viewing Measurement Data… Nielsen Media Research has announced that as of the October 2000 measurement period, a revised viewer imputation model will be implemented for its diary-based local market services. The fact that Nielsen imputes, or assigns based on probabilities, unknown diary viewing is not new. What is new is that Nielsen will update the model through which it determines the probabilities by which viewing will be assigned to unknown diary entries. The data on which the prior Nielsen model was constructed is nearly 25 years old, and, because …
by on Oct 12, 5:39 PM
Net Markets Will Quadruple in Size by 2002 Independent Net Markets will experience explosive growth, in size, geography and industry depth, with the number of Net Markets expected to grow from 1,200 currently to more than 5,000 by 2002. According to a new report by Jupiter Research, online digital marketplaces (Net Markets) --electronically linking buyers, sellers and business partners -- have more players coming on the field than leaving, a sure sign that independent Net Markets are a potential medium to watch in the near future. Jupiter Research projects that Net Markets will account for: • 35 …
by on Oct 11, 8:32 PM
We reviewed the DSL impact on household use last week, but now find some data on business use from an eMarketer eCommerce report in September. The report states that a study by the Strategis Group found that 57% of U.S. firms access the internet via dial-up connections at speeds of only 56 kilobits per second. The vast majority of these companies are small businesses, with less than 100 employees. During the next three years more than 1 million U.S. businesses will turn to DSL for broadband internet access within the next 3 years, according to eMarketer. During the same …
by on Oct 10, 8:23 PM
The Personal Computer is Becoming a Household Appliance Scarborough Research has completed over 175,000 interviews from adults over 18 in 64 leading US markets to compile a list of characteristics which includes computer ownership and plans, and internet activity. The report shows that 65% of adults over 18, living in computer households, access the Internet at home. This is a 29 percent increase in the number of adult Internet users from the past year. "The personal computer is becoming a common household appliance similar to a TV or radio," said Marc Sternhagen, senior vice president of the Internet …
by on Oct 9, 2:40 PM
Online Ad Spending Ahead of Forecasts in First Half The latest edition of the Internet Ad Revenue Report by the IAB shows $2.1 billion spent for online advertising in the second quarter, bringing the total to 4.1 billion and on track to exceed the 6.1 forecasted by eMarketer. Here’s the breakdown for the subject matter... Consumer 30% Computing 17% Financial 15% Business 10% Media 9% And the types of online ads run... Banners 50% Sponsors 27% Classifieds 7% Referrals 4% Interstitials 3% EMail 2% Rich Media 2% Keyword Search 1% Source: IAB …
by on Oct 6, 8:54 PM
Superfast Internet Access Changes Media Habits Business have had ISDN, T1 and T3 lines for some time, but cost and complexity have kept these access speeds out of households. Now DSL (digital subscriber lines) and cable modems can deliver download speeds up to 100 times faster to households than regular dial-up access. Though only 8 million households have this capability today, this figure has doubled in 9 months, and is expected to be over 31 million in 2004. In a recent sudy by Arbitron and Coleman Research, the importance of this medium access now, and in the future, …
by on Oct 5, 8:27 PM
In a previous ResearchBrief, we referenced data on market ethnicity, and here’s a couple of ways to selectively reach the Hispanic consumers in the Southwest and the Southeast… In a release by the CBS Business Wire updated on October 2, they describe a plan by Belo Corp. and Cox Communications to launch a Spanish-language 24 hour television news channel, Mas Arizona, next month. The release quotes Sergio Carlos, president of the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, when he says “Hispanic consumers in Phoenix have been underserved. For many years, Univision was the only Spanish-language TV broadcaster in town, …
by on Oct 4, 7:23 PM
Some Just Won’t Go There… In an eMarketer report of data published by The Pew Internet & American Life Project, they point out that about 94 million, or half of the US adult population, do not have internet access. Of those non-users, 57% plan to stay that way. That data looks like this: - Definitely will not get access 32% - Probably will not get access 25 - Probably will go online 29 - Definitely will go online 12 Race, low income, and level of education said to be underlying this disinterest are noted in the Pew …
by on Oct 3, 8:19 PM
Of particular interest to those advertisers who must identify their web sites to consumers by November… "Experienced Web users will drive household shopping this year -- pushing the average spending for holiday-buying households to $603." said Christopher M. Kelley, analyst at Forrester, according to a new Technographics Brief from Forrester Research, Inc. Online spending this holiday season will double last year's total, reaching $10 billion. One-third of all Internet users will buy on the Web between Thanksgiving and New Year's. "As the holidays get closer and parking spaces become more scarce, 16.6 million US households will opt to …