• Mobile CTO Rates Almost Equal Desktop
    76% of subscribers were inactive in Q4 in the consumer services sector, and only 4% were active within 90 days; B2B engagement showed 91% of subscribers inactive and only 2.2% active within 90 days.
  • Millennials Follow Brands; GenX , Contests; and Boomers, Promotions
    1 in 10 messages actually get a response from a brand, 30% of Millennials engage with a brand on social at least once a month, and 14% of Baby Boomers initiate conversations with brands on social at least once a month.
  • Qualified Buyers Leaving Websites Before "Capture"
    76% of Business to Business (B2B) marketers rank the top most significant objective for 2017 as B2B lead generation.
  • Digital Transformation Facing Hurdles
    Professionals across industries recognize the need for digital transformation, but gaps in organizational and technical infrastructure make it difficult for businesses to adequately address user needs.
  • IoT May Be Security Sensitive
    Only 16% of business leaders projected a large profit gain from their IoT investment. Yet post-adoption, 32% of executives realized those gains.
  • Social, And Now Digital, Keep Marketers Busy
    Social media platforms like Facebook have been changing the advertising and business model in a way that requires businesses to have a social presence to stay in front of current and potential customers.
  • Measuring Impact Of Online Communities
    92% of community leaders believe that their online communities have an impact on the business, 35% lack meaningful metrics to report success in business terms.
  • Millionaire Households Still 5% Of All Households
    The number of millionaire households in the United States has grown by more than 800,000 over the past five years and by more than 1.3 million since 2006.
  • Online CPG On A Roll
    For the first time since 1010data began tracking the market, online CPG sales surpassed $10 billion. Many of the largest product categories within CPG, including health supplements, pet care and cosmetics, each generated more than $1 billion in sales.
  • Television Ownership Down; Mobile Up
    The average number of TVs in homes is on the decline, while younger households have higher concentrations of broadband-content access devices.
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