by Wayne Friedman on Dec 7, 1:23 PM
A lot has been made about so-called "native" advertising, especially in the digital space. But what about on television?
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 6, 1:01 PM
Sports fans, claiming that local TV blackout rules are anti-competitive to their viewing pleasure, say that individual teams and their regional networks or broadcast stations should be able to compete with each other. So if you live in Los Angeles and want to buy and see an individual New York Yankees or New York Mets home game, you should be able to do so.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 5, 4:09 PM
A news story on a TV screen sits high in a gym workout room. With no audio, an on-screen message at the bottom of the screen appears to complement what a CNN anchor is saying: "Hundreds Killed In Chicago. At least five people working out stop immediately. They watch without blinking. A video finally appears, and it's reporting on long-term, increased violence in the Windy City. One viewer then says something everyone watching wants to hear: "Not all at the same time! Whew!"
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 4, 1:00 PM
Major media content creators believe they still hold the upper hand for getting every bit of their TV shows' viewing accounted for on new digital platforms. Confidence is high. But a firm schedule of those changes is another matter.
by Wayne Friedman on Dec 3, 2:58 PM
How are your fast-forwarding skills? Blowing through all those commercials for the iPhone5 or Geico insurance, or that trailer for the end-of-the-year horror movie from a major studio? How perfect are you when it comes to getting through all of it? The TV Watch family isn't all that good at it, so we're pissed. No, we don't get our knickers in a twist if some commercials for a new cholesterol-fighting drug slip through. But we do resent something less obvious: late local news promos.
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