by Wayne Friedman on Nov 12, 6:20 PM
Earned media: That's really what the all presidential candidates hope for from all their debate performances -- as well as other places like appearances on TV news networks. It means getting media that you don't pay for, but have "earned" -- in theory. It can really help increase your poll position, and therefore donation dollars. But, as you know, candidates also want to control the message: And that mean controlling questions from pesky moderators who have the audacity to come up with their own idea. What? Free speech?
by Wayne Friedman on Nov 11, 4:58 PM
No one worries about binge-watching on traditional TV. You pay the same price whether you watch one "Walking Dead" or 30 episodes of the AMC drama on a specific day. Not so for many mobile telecommunications services, but T-Mobile says it will change this in a deal with digital OTT service Sling TV that provides unlimited streaming video with no "data cap." The offer is appropriately called "Binge On."
by Wayne Friedman on Nov 10, 4:58 PM
If you want to effect change at a university, threaten its revenue. That's what the University of Missouri football team did. As a way to address longtime racial issues, the team said it wasn't going to play this weekend unless University President Tim Wolfe resigned. And guess what? He did. It happened seemingly that fast.
by Wayne Friedman on Nov 9, 3:25 PM
Most nights you can find TV Watch icing various body parts for sports injuries while watching TV. Does that count as multitasking? And while driving, one might also be listening to the radio and/or drinking iced coffee. Does that count as multitasking as well? And if so, what value can we give to that?
by Wayne Friedman on Nov 6, 5:01 PM
Remember the last financial report for Walt Disney back in August, which noted there could be some dramatic declines in ESPN subscribers? Yeah, that one -- which had a major crushing effect on media stocks.
by Wayne Friedman on Nov 5, 3:09 PM
What do people really think about TV commercials? Seems that TV networks and advertisers have been trying to figure that out forever -- with tests, studies, and special panels. Now two TV network media companies will be trying again, with new labs: Viacom and Comcast's NBCUniversal.
by Wayne Friedman on Nov 4, 3:51 PM
For CBS, the digital TV "space" is increasingly becoming "the final frontier." Looking to push its new digital OTT brand to greater awareness, CBS will run a new "Star Trek" TV series exclusively on its CBS All Access digital platform -- with the exception of the premiere episode, which which will air on its broadcast channel.
by Wayne Friedman on Nov 3, 4:05 PM
More movie studies are taking entertainment to a more tangible level: a theme park or ride. Lionsgate, which produced the big movie franchise "Hunger Games," would like to follow other big studios like Universal Studios, with its own franchise forerunners including "Jurassic Park," as well as the longtime king of studio-based theme parks, Walt Disney.
by Wayne Friedman on Nov 2, 3:48 PM
The Republican National Committee doesn't seems to be thinking like an owner of prized TV content. On Friday, it sent a letter to NBC saying it is "suspending" its deal with NBCUniversal for the February debate, set to run on Telemundo, because it didn't like how its candidates were portrayed in the recent debate on another NBC cable network, CNBC.
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