• Top Global News and Events Sites in June
    A deep drill-down of current events and global news to show sites, demographics, ad types, sizes, and delivery technologies.
  • Migration of Print Advertising to Internet is Five Percent in US
    A new publication from the World Association of Newspapers "New Classified Models," from WAN's Shaping the Future of the Newspaper project, says that only those newspapers that are aggressively and proactively ensuring they will own the digital classified market are succeeding in retaining (classified) market share and profitability.
  • Declining Number of Adult Stock and Bond Traders Surprises Analyst
    The new data is included in The Media Audit survey produced by International Demographics shows that the percentage of adults in all 85 measured markets who traded stocks or bonds was 23.6 percent in 1998. That percentage climbed to 24.3 in 1999 and to 25.7 in 2000. From that pinnacle it fell to 23.1 in 2001, 2l.1 in 2002, and 18.2 in 2003.
  • All You Get Is Music, Music, Music
    A deep look at the Music category online including sites, demographics, ad technologies, dimensions and delivery.
  • Rockers Are Active, Have Three Cars and Money, and Consume Sports Drinks
    In studying lifestyle behaviors of consumers in the United States through 2003, Scarborough Research finds that rock concert attendees lead active lives and are in high income brackets and are more than twice as likely as all consumers to have gone snow skiing, in-line skating, or to have played tennis during the past year.
  • Top Product, Retail Stores and Online Outlets In Brand Equity
    Harris Interactive recently released the 2004 edition of EquiTrend, a measurement and comparison tool for over 1,000 brands. The new results rank Reynolds Wrap Aluminum Foil as the number one brand in overall brand equity, followed closely by Hershey's Milk Chocolate Candy Bars, Ziploc Food Bags and Heinz Ketchup.
  • Support For First Amendment Freedoms Rebounds
    According to the annual State of the First Amendment survey, conducted by the First Amendment Center with American Journalism Review magazine, Americans' support for First Amendment freedoms continues to rebound. Gene Policinski, acting director of the First Amendment Center, said "The 2004 survey found that just 30 percent of those surveyed agreed that 'The First Amendment goes too far in the rights it guarantees,' with 65 percent disagreeing."
  • DVR Users Watch More Video-on-Demand
    A new report from Lyra Research, A Survey of Video-on-Demand User, reveals that digital video recorder (DVR) users watch more video-on-demand (VOD) programs than non-DVR users, and these findings held true for both free and paid VOD. This consumer behavior may be surprising to cable-service providers as it challenges a widespread industry assumption that DVR and VOD technologies are competing for viewers' usage.
  • No Internet Growth Without the
    According to a new analysis from Mediamark Research, further penetration of the Internet will require the conversion of "Unconnected" consumers and Internet "Resistors." Even though 79.5% of adults have access to the Internet at home, work or other location, data from 26,000 in-home interviews show that just 63% of adults have used an online service or the Internet in the last 30 days.
  • Confidential Business Data Leaks in UK
    Findings from a UK survey commissioned by SurfControl , reveal the dangers facing businesses who do not protect their e-mail communications against confidential data loss. The survey found that 39% of workers interviewed have received confidential information via e-mail that was not intended for them. Of this number 26% confirmed that the information was sent to them from an external source.
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