by Jack Loechner on Jan 17, 8:30 AM
A recent comprehensive study by CBS Research, examining consumers' attitudes towards digital media, and the role television will play in the near future, found that as the public at large becomes more connected to digital media, the more engaged they become in primetime television programming. And, as viewers become aware of the deadline for full digital transmissions, the likelihood of them investing in new digital TV sets increases substantially.
by Jack Loechner on Jan 16, 8:30 AM
Researchers at Harris Interactive recently collaborated with several marketing professors to provide a more accurate portrait of materialistic youth by examining the role of thankfulness in offsetting the negative social effects of materialism. The results determined that increasing materialism among youth does not immediately translate into less generous behavior; rather, gratitude plays an important role in influencing their level of generosity.
by Jack Loechner on Jan 15, 8:30 AM
Before leaving the forecasting field for 2007, and having explored most of the electronic media last week, here's a look at the 2007 traditional media side of the equation from TNS Media. According to the full-year forecast released today by TNS Media Intelligence, total U.S. advertising spending is expected to increase 2.6 percent in 2007 to $153.7 billion.
by Jack Loechner on Jan 12, 9:15 AM
A deeper drill-down into Online advertisers, visitors and ad types for Family Resource destinations in December
by Jack Loechner on Jan 11, 9:00 AM
A report on the wrap-up of E-Commerce spending for 2006 helps to set the stage for the 2007 projections... comScore Networks released a report on consumer online retail spending at U.S. sites during 2006, including the holiday season. For the full year 2006, online retail spending reached $102.1 billion, marking a 24-percent increase versus 2005. Online holiday e-commerce was up 26 percent versus last year.
by Jack Loechner on Jan 10, 3:00 AM
New consumer research from Leichtman Research Group found that the one in six households in the United States now have at least one high definition-capable TV (HDTV), an increase from about one out of every fourteen households just two years ago.
by Jack Loechner on Jan 9, 3:00 AM
In keeping with recognizing projections for the new year, this Brief notes that eMarketer assembled its many metrics for a look at 2007 in several important advertising and marketing categories. The complete report may be accessed through a link at the conclusion of this report summation. eMarketer, in its year-end overview, writes:
by Jack Loechner on Jan 8, 3:00 AM
It seems appropriate to catch up on the year end, and future anticipations, this week in preparation for getting back to reality. In that context, a report written by Kate Maddox for B2B is a good place to start in looking forward. Access the full report, as well as charts and data, at the conclusion of this Brief excerpting many of her findings.
by Jack Loechner on Jan 5, 3:00 AM
According to a recent study of senior marketing executives by Evalueserve for Sapient, just over half of Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) believe that traditional, large advertising agencies are ill-suited to meet online marketing needs. Similarly, 49% of survey respondents believe that traditional advertising firms have difficulty thinking beyond traditional print and TV media models, which no longer are effective ways of engaging consumers who now get their information and influence one another primarily through digital channels.
by Jack Loechner on Jan 4, 3:00 AM
According to the BIGresearch Consumer Intentions & Actions Survey of over 8,000 consumers surveyed from 12/5 to 12/13, consumer confidence is lower in December, fewer consumers are focusing on needs over wants, and, consumers will reign in spending once the holiday buzz wears off.