• Three Simple Questions For A Complex Deliverability World
    For all the talk about how email deliverability is evolving, I don't hear enough specificity about what, exactly, has changed. If you've noticed this too, here's a quick explanation of what's different about inbox placement and how you can stay ahead of the shift by asking the right questions.
  • Connecters Vs. Influencers
    What's the difference between a social connecter and a social influencer? One seems to be a component or a necessity of the other. Naturally someone must be connected and have reach to have influence, right? What if I told you that within your social graph, there are those who are connected to a lot of people, but who wield very little influence on anyone? What if I told you there are a great many influencers that have very little reach, but have great influence within the networks where they do have reach?
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