• Network Newscasts At 2 A.M: Do You Know When Your Ads Are Airing?
    You believe you have a good show that people want to watch. So, why run it during the time most people are asleep? NBC says it's started extra airings of its evening newscasts -- not so coincidentally, at around the same time Brian Williams was suspended -- on ten affiliate stations between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m.
  • Jon Hamm's Stint In Rehab: PR Stunt?
    The promotional push for fans to watch those series-ending seven episodes of AMC's "Mad Men" (which begin April 5) is a slam-bang, exhaustive PR/ad campaign. I've seen the show mentioned in seemingly every conceivable media outlet. But there's one piece of current "MM" news I'm not sure how to take. Have you seen the reports about star Jon Hamm completing a 30-day stint in rehab for alcoholism?
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