• Why Integration Is Not the Grail, And Causality Is Overrated in Search
    Integration. If you are keeping score at home, it's the buzzword bingo center square. You know, the free one that everyone claims before the game actually begins....
  • Questioning The Power Of The Influencer
    Word of mouth is powerful in marketing. In the last two weeks, we've seen how the opinions of others can cause us to change our own beliefs to match. We've also seen how the speed at which the word spreads is a function not only of the structure of the network itself, but also the value of the message and its impact on the people in the network, as well as how much they stand to gain (or lose) by spreading the word.
  • An OMMA Journey: Search Future
    At Friday's keynote during the OMMA conference, Nigel Morris of Isobar relayed this quote from a conversation he had with Google's country manager in Belgium: "All agencies are [the] middleman and we want to destroy you." Now I'd like to think I know good British humor when I see it -- I'll take David Brent over Michael Scott any day --- but I couldn't tell if Mr. Morris was joking here. Regardless, it got me thinking about the context in which we'll be talking about Google -- and search -- at future OMMA shows. So here's a glimpse of what …
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