by Ben Russo on Feb 29, 2:44 PM
eMarketer recently released a ra-ra forecast for the advertising technology industry: the company predicts ad revenue from ad-supported mobile content will grow roughly 10 TIMES, from $156 millon to $1.07 billion between 2010 and 2015. Cue the Queen soundtrack and high-fives all around, right? Now think about all the ads we play whack-a-mole to avoid on mobile games like Words with Friends.
by Derek Gordon on Feb 27, 10:31 AM
Even though it's early days for Pinterest, it has grabbed everyone's attention because (a) it's growing so darn fast and (b) it's quickly becoming a top referral source to other Web sites. In fact, in January, Pinterest drove more referral traffic than Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube combined, according to data from Shareaholic. Still, Pinterest and its brethren have a way to go before they dethrone the king of the Web, Google.
by Ryan DeShazer on Feb 24, 3:06 PM
Several conversations occurred this week on the range and types of analytics tools required to assess the impact of digital marketing programs, search included. One theme emerged that made me think of multiplicity in analytics data sources: the elusive "single voice of truth." Looking to a single data source as the definitive word on all things measurement and analytics may be a convenient practice, but it's incredibly shortsighted. Multiplicity in analytics is required in order to best understand the dynamics of your marketplace.
by Gord Hotchkiss on Feb 23, 11:39 AM
This week, I was reminded why I got into this business. The timing was good, because to be honest, after being involved in too many discussions revolving around search budgets and cross-channel attribution models, I had lost touch with what I'd found so magical about online marketing in the first place. But Tim and Daniel reminded me. It's a story worth repeating.
by Aaron Goldman on Feb 22, 9:32 AM
The latest obsession on the Web, judging by Facebook news feed density (which is a pretty good judge of such things), is what others do for a living -- or, rather, what everyone and their mother (literally) thinks they do. Writer. Psychiatrist. Director. Radio DJ. Executive Chef. Now we have a nice, graphical (and super-ironic) way to describe these job functions. After waiting a week to see if anyone in our corner of the world would take the bait, my team went ahead and created the Search Engine Marketer meme. At the risk of beating a dead horse, I'd like …
by Janet Driscoll Miller on Feb 21, 12:51 PM
Last week I spelled out some of Google's problems -- from having too much of its revenue tied to one product, to having to facing a myriad of new competitors in the advertising space. Here are some possible solutions:
by Ryan DeShazer on Feb 17, 1:48 PM
So let's assume that we've succeeded in convincing the appropriate decision-makers that search is awesome, that our consumers are actively seeking information related to our products and services, and that we can intercept prospective customers at key moments of purchase consideration with the right strategy. We've succeeded, right? Maybe not (yet). in my experience, I consistently hear the same handful of rebuttals. Anticipating these areas of concern will better position you and your ideas for approval.
by Gord Hotchkiss on Feb 16, 10:25 AM
I've had the flu for going on a week now. My head hurts and my tongue feels like a terrycloth towel. My voice sounds like a cross between Satan and a barking seal. Any lucid thoughts I may have had have long been beaten into submission by repeated doses of NyQuil. And now I have a column to write.
by Thi Thumasathit on Feb 15, 12:17 PM
Yes, there's still growth in paid search, and the search engines will continue to make money from advertisers eager to market to consumers who are actively searching. On the other hand, that growth is slowing dramatically. eMarketer Daily recently predicted that by 2015, U.S. growth in search advertising will flat-line and even be surpassed by online display advertising. Why the stagnation in what has historically been a booming market? The answer comes down to keywords. SEMs are held hostage by them.
by Janet Driscoll Miller on Feb 14, 2:52 PM
As we all know, Google has been a publicly traded company for many years now. So it faces the rather daunting challenge of consistently showing value and growth to its investors. But Google also has a big problem, with several contributing factors: How can it maintain its superstar stock status, or even just survive long-term?