by David Berkowitz on Feb 28, 3:15 PM
Personalization services are often considered ways to engender customer loyalty. Yet, according to new research, subscribers to search engines' personalization services can be the most fickle. So what do you do, go after the loyal sheep or the aggressive wolves?
by Sara Holoubek on Feb 27, 3:45 PM
According to the Chinese, the Year of the Dog is auspicious for marriage. The same is true for M&A activity in 2006.
by Gord Hotchkiss on Feb 23, 3:15 PM
Search is rapidly turning from the darling of the Internet to a demon. The latest attack, brought about by search's phenomenal financial success, is that search is sucking all the value out of millions of Web sites by scraping content in bite-sized pieces and doling it out to searchers, at the same time monetizing traffic that's being driven by content created by the site owners, not the search engine.
by Cerelle Centeno on Feb 22, 2:15 PM
As an online marketing manager, you might be able to relate to this scenario: It's the end of the week or the end of the month, and it's time for you to summarize the latest metrics to your executive staff. You think, "Why have I put this off until the last minute? I love this stuff. This is the reason I got into this field in the first place!"
by David Berkowitz on Feb 21, 3:00 PM
If I offered you a chance to win prizes every week you read this column, would that make you more inclined to read it?
by Sara Holoubek on Feb 20, 1:00 PM
Break out the evening gowns, it's trade show season. With the Grammy awards wrapped up, and the Oscars on the horizon, our eyes will be on the red carpet of search next week in New York.
by Bill Hunt on Feb 16, 5:00 PM
While participating on a panel at a recent search marketing conference, we fielded numerous questions related to finding the right person to fill the ever- expanding role of in-house search marketer. The most asked questions were, "What do we look for in a search marketer--and where do we find this elusive beast in the wilds of cyberspace?"
by joseph , Robert Murray on Feb 15, 3:30 PM
In my last article, I discussed the perceived negative aspects of search engine marketing from the traditional agency perspective. And as promised, I'm here today to remind traditional agencies why they should in fact LOVE search--no, scratch that-- ADORE search. (A very appropriate topic right after Valentine's Day.)
by David Berkowitz on Feb 14, 3:00 PM
Google's done it again, throwing out a new innovation that makes consumers, marketers, and analysts wonder where cool ends and creepy begins. This time, it's with Google Talk, the instant messaging client that blends seamlessly into Gmail, allowing users to instant message friends directly from Gmail while saving the conversations.
by Sara Holoubek on Feb 13, 3:30 PM
If you haven't heard about the Attention Economy, you are working too much. Let me explain.