by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 31, 11:12 AM
Sargi Mann, EVP digital, Havas Media, calls Spark an "exploration engine" that will not only change the way people discover products, but will change the way marketers market their products.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 28, 3:17 PM
With nearby searches for gasoline stations as its business model, GasBuddy is testing a feature in its mobile app that would allow consumer products goods companies to message consumers at the exact moment they are at a convenience store.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 27, 2:57 PM
Facebook on Thursday unveiled several tools and updates to Messenger that will make search and discovery much easier for consumers. Natural-language processing (NLP) is one tool, which provides the ability to automatically detect the context of a message to interpret the conversation, as well as the hand-over protocol that enables businesses to create multiple experiences within one conversation. Facebook also launched a call-to-action button.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 26, 3:00 PM
The optimization techniques now are not about organic search or paid search. It's about plasma. Still, it all leads back to creating better algorithms for search and advertising.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 25, 2:07 PM
While Macquarie analyst Ben Schachter described the numbers as "remarkable," Aegis Capital managing director and internet media analyst Victor Anthony told CNBC that YouTube would have a value of at least $75 billion if it were a company.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 24, 3:29 PM
Researchers at DeepMind, Google's London-based AI company, believe they have developed technology that reinforces learning. The system learns by trial and error and is motivated to get things correct based on rewards.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 21, 12:00 PM
If anyone asks why you don't invest more of your search budget in Bing, here are a few talking points from Microsoft's earnings call on Thursday to get the conversation going on how cloud services will best be served by Bing and Cortana.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 20, 2:21 PM
Google and its parent company Alphabet had to launch Google Glass as an enterprise app after pulling the product from the consumer market. Alphabet has been running limited tests with a handful of companies to prove its worth, and there are numerous rivals such as Epson and Microsoft with a history of success in this space.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 19, 11:27 AM
Google, Bing and Yahoo have been pushing more advertising spots per keyword through their platforms to meet ad delivery requests for under-served paid-search and product listing ads. Segmented search marketing teams fuel the problem, and there are measurable benefits to having the teams work together.
by Laurie Sullivan on Jul 18, 3:23 PM
Google Shopping and the PLA format accounted for 51% of Google UK search ad clicks among retailers in the quarter, up from 40% a year earlier. In the U.S., PLAs generated 53% of search ad clicks for retailers, with the amount marketers spend on PLAs rising 31% year-over-year compared with 16% for text search ads.