• Jobs, Ballmer, And The Page-Brin-Schmidt Trinity Battle For Your Eternal Soul
    Apple is an arrogant, closed, monopolistic dictatorship. The Cult of Apple, according to Fox News and a pair of professors from Texas A&M, carries all the hallmarks of a more traditional religion. It's got the creation story. It's got the messianic leader who rose from the (professional) dead. And it's got evil archenemies: Google and Microsoft.
  • Yahoo-Bing Integration Begins In Earnest
    Bing has already begun to power results in Yahoo Search pages. At present, about 25% of natural search results and about 3% of paid search results in Yahoo SRPs are generated by Bing. Both teams are hugely cognizant of the looming holiday season and the attendant pressures on search marketers, so they've made completion of U.S. integration by early October a priority. While full integration of natural search results will happen regardless, if for any reason the joint team feels they won't get to a satisfactory integration on the paid search side by October, they say they'll push it off …
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