• Thoughts on Search Marketing 2007
    Last year was an exciting one in the interactive industry. While we are still at a turning point with many new challenges and opportunities ahead, it's worth noting that we arrived at this point because of passion, trial, practice and education throughout the industry. I personally feel very fortunate to witness and participate in this historic window of time where marketers are pushing the evolution of digital advertising through their ideas, words and actions.
  • A Prediction Junkie's Guide To 2007
    I'm a prediction junkie. Of the 40 Search Insider columns by any author in the past year that included some form of the word "predict," I wrote 40% of them, though I only wrote 20% of the columns. I'm fascinated by connecting the dots of the past to try to foretell what's ahead. Now, thanks in large part to reviewing the events of the previous year, here's what you can expect in 2007.
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