• eMail Marketing Becoming a Priority
    Dean Tomasula of Direct Marketing News recently reported that two-thirds of the companies surveyed in the DMA's State of the E-Commerce Industry Report 2001-2002 said their sales in 2001 increased as a result of using e-mail marketing.
  • Home Shopping Means Home Shopping
    For those reaching out to the Home and Fashion audience on the Internet, here's the latest Nielsen data for the week ending April 7th. The women are the most frequent viewers by a two to one margin, and predominantly in the 35 to 49 age category.
  • Digital TV Gains Popularity in Europe
    Interactive TV presents opportunities for advertisers, marketers, retailers, interactive service providers, TV broadcasters, telecom companies, cable companies and many more. In advance of iTV, Jupiter predicts 32.2 million households in Europe will have digital television (DTV) in 2002.
  • Another Opening, Another show
    Yet another esoteric opportunity could be pay-per-view as a medium in which advertising may encroach. And it's a growing market. Estimating that more than 8 million U.S. homes are currently passed by VOD-capable cable networks, this number will rise to nearly 50 million by the end of 2003.
  • TV Can't Go It Alone
    Local television audiences are turning to cable, Web, and print options for daily news. A new report from Forrester Research suggests that broadcasters can reconnect with local news audiences by collaborating with newspapers to cross-promote their headlines, share content liberally, and strive for all-day relevance. By drawing upon print coverage, stations can add depth to their news coverage and boost their credibility.
  • Two-Thirds of Americans Are on the Prowl
    In order to reach the Wireless Adult, it is desirable to know what she looks like, and where she is! The latest study from Scarborough Research shows that Houston leads the nation with almost three-fourths of adults owning a cellular phone. Other cities that have a high concentration of cell phone ownership are Atlanta with 73 percent, Honolulu with 70 percent, Miami with 69 percent and Dallas, also with 69 percent.
  • Newspaper Web Sites Support Subscription Fees
    A recent release by The Media Audit, that tracks media in 85 metro markets, found that newspaper subscription fees for access to online web sites for two of its measured papers not only didn't discourage subscribers, but viewership increased. "We were surprised by the research findings," says Bob Jordan, co-chairman of The Media Audit. "The research makes it pretty clear that the switch to paid access can be made - at least in some markets -- without damaging the long term prospects of the site," he added.
  • Men Shop While Women Play Games
    A recent AT&T Broadband survey reveals some new trends and uses of high-speed Internet by men and women. According to the survey, more men than women expressed interest in shopping online -- by a considerable margin of 58 to 42 percent of survey participants. In another unexpected response, women expressed interest in playing online games with someone in another city more than men, by a narrow 51 to 49 percent margin.
  • Satisfaction and Defection Are Only Symptoms
    An extremely thorough report by Stephanie Coyles and Timothy C. Gokey in The McKinsey Quarterly, 2002 Number 2, describes their recent two-year study of the attitudes of 1,200 households about companies in 16 industries as diverse as airlines, banking, and consumer products which shows that to increase the customers’ loyalty, companies must do more than track today’s typical metrics: satisfaction and defection.
  • Where is the Digital Divide?
    Marketing consultant Robert Jackson, Jr., in a column in the River Cities Reader, says that the myth du jour: the Digital Divide, could become a self-fulfilling prophecy based on the cliche of minorities not having equal access to technology. In his article he describes the Digital Divide as the disparity between those who have access to Internet technology and those who have not.
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