• NEW! NRG Campaign Lets People Using An Airport Charging Station Choose Their Energy Source
    NRG launched an interesting 90-second spot that asks the question: What's behind the plug? It's not something most of us think about, until the power's out. "Power Behind the Plug" takes place inside an airport, where a temporary charging station has been erected. Viewers initially see travelers looking from left to right and plugging in their device. You see a few people flip-flop and add their device to one outlet only to swap it out to another. My first thought was the initial outlet was wonky, but in reality, the travelers were changing their mind on …
  • Cars Become Driver's BFFs In Campaign For Conoco And 76
    Venables Bell & Partners created a series of TV and online videos for Conoco and 76 in which cars are the biggest secrets-holders -- so they need to be treated well.  In "Smoothie," a husband begrudgingly goes on a health kick with his wife. She hands him a green smoothie as he leaves for work and he drives off, opens the glove compartment, and dunks mini doughnuts in his healthy drink. See it here. Two pals go shopping in "Long Goodbye." The passenger had such a great time that she doesn't want to exit the …
  • Visa Tests The Digital Tip For Street Musicians
    It's campaigns like this that make me feel like a technological cavewoman. In today's digital world, it's rare to see anyone pay or carry cash. So how can pedestrians tip a talented street musician when they have no cash on hand? Visa is experimenting with its mobile payment platform as a tipping device. The company provided street musicians in New York with digital payment terminals that accept tips from people electronically. Much like the passerby at the end of the video, my mind was blown. Check out #StreetTaps here.
  • NEW! Hispanic Democrats For Trump Shows Donald Some Love -- Tough Love
    Dog food tested on wolves. Acne is temporary, like a mother's nagging. Let's launch!
  • NEW! Brooke Shields, Constantine Maroulis, Ham It Up In La-Z-Boy's 'As The Room Turns'
    Brooke Shields and Constantine Maroulis successfully turn up the cheese factor in "As the Room Turns," a soap opera parody for La-Z-Boy. Playing off the outlandish story lines typically found in soap operas, Shields and Maroulis play a husband and wife with big drama and stylish furniture. Fresh off a face transplant, Maroulis surprises his wife, who is sitting on a new, La-Z-Boy sofa. Maroulis scoffs at Shields when she tells him the sofa is La-Z-Boy; she attempts to slap him and he grabs her wrist. She tries to slap him again and the other wrist …
  • NEW! Clearasil To Teens: Acne, And Your Mother's Nagging, Won't Last Forever
    Clearasil wants teens to know that acne sucks, but it's temporary, like your mother's nagging. "Let's Be Clear" takes a more realistic approach to discussing acne. Rather than tell teens that everything is OK, it tells teens that Clearasil can relate to this uncomfortable time, but stresses that it will get better. The debut ad, "Interruption," begins with a teen with a ginormous zit. His Clearasil cleanser tells him to hang tight and be patient, for the zit will be gone in time. The cleanser goes a step further, telling the boy his mom won't always …
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