by Wayne Friedman on Jun 16, 4:29 PM
Poof. One act of hubris, a snide journalistic decision - and you're gone.
by Phyllis Fine on Jun 15, 4:35 PM
How do you navigate the incredibly fragmented world of TV/video programming?
by Joe Mandese on Jun 14, 4:13 PM
I don't see how I can fill in for Wayne Friedman on today's "TV Watch" and not acknowledge Sunday's massacre at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. I call it a massacre, because that is what it was. To call it something else -- "attacks," or even "terrorist attacks" -- reduces it to a media meme of mass shootings all lumped together on a spectrum that ranges from the lunatic fringe to existential threats. Already media coverage is conflating Pulse with everything from Sandy Hook (a lone lunatic) to 9/11 and the ISIS-directed or -inspired Paris and San Bernardino massacres.
by Fern Siegel on Jun 13, 9:00 AM
For the most part, TV is becoming all Trump, all the time -- to the consternation of conservatives and liberals alike. There is cognitive dissonance -- and there is lazy reporting. And then there is Debra Messing's Detective Laura Diamond.
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 10, 3:39 PM
New OTT platforms might look to meet the challenge of giving digital marketers the TV-like media they want: that is, premium video.
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 9, 4:31 PM
The whole issue of agency kickbacks from media companies now comes right in the middle of the TV upfront market negotiations. The Association of National Advertisers (ANA) report said there was overall a need for full "disclosure" of the media-buying process. And yes, TV's upfront is one of the biggest media buying events.
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 8, 5:09 PM
What will TV networks and TV stations do when Donald Trump comes calling to buy TV time? Take the money, of course. But not all media might be thinking along the same lines. Recently, BuzzFeed killed a $1.3 million advertising agreement with the Republican National Committee over objections to Donald Trump's rhetoric. What specific piece of rhetoric was that? It's Donald Trump; just pick one.
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 7, 1:01 PM
Netflix would love to get more traditional pay TV carriage through adding an app on set-top boxes. That, in turn, would seem to help pay TV companies keep their model intact. But is it too little, too late?
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 6, 2:39 PM
If premium media is moving to digital platforms, marketers better quickly figure how to get consumers to pay for it -- especially when it comes to specific content.
by Wayne Friedman on Jun 3, 4:20 PM
TV studio production chiefs have always had a difficult job -- but their programs will seemingly be needed more than ever as advertisers look to more "premium" content in a digital world.The nuts and bolts of their efforts are focused on what they can do for the bigger TV networks -- broadcast and cable. But increasingly the future is moving toward Netflix, Amazon, Hulu and other growing OTT services. And in this light, Steve Mosko, chairman of Sony Pictures Television, and Bela Bajaria, president of Universal Television, recently departed their respective companies.