• Woods Witt Dealy & Sons
    Woods Witt Dealy & Sons picked up three pieces of new business. The Sundance Channel hired WWD&S to develop an ad campaign for The Green, a regularly scheduled primetime programming block dedicated entirely to the environment. Hickory Farms tapped the agency to develop its Holiday gift guide and IRO Cycle, maker of fixed gear and single speed bicycles, hired WWD&S to develop a new Web site.
  • Draftfcb Auckland - BMW and MINI
    Draftfcb Auckland was awarded the BMW and MINI communications accounts.
  • IHOP
    Incumbent McCann Erickson, VitroRobertson and Tactic are the three agencies competing for creative duties on IHOP's $3.5 million account.
  • Creature - Umpqua Bank
    Creature was named agency of record for Umpqua Bank, following a review.
  • Anomaly - Virgin America
    Virgin America has parted ways with its agency, Anomaly.
  • Dell - WPP
    Dell awarded WPP its whopping three-year, $4.5 billion account, besting IPG for the win. The holding group will build a new agency specifically for this account.
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