by on Jul 20, 3:15 PM
RPA was awarded the California Department of Public Health's Tobacco Control Program account, previously handled by Ground Zero.
by on Jul 20, 3:15 PM
Bayer AG launched a review in an effort to consolidate its $1 billion advertising account at one holding company.
by on Jul 20, 3:15 PM
Cossette, Gotham and The Kaplan Thaler Group are the three agencies vying for global creative and media duties on Waterford, Wedgwood and Royal Doulton brands.
by on Jul 20, 3:15 PM
The Johnny Rockets Group selected incumbent Northten to remain its agency of record, following a review.
by on Jul 20, 3:15 PM
Hyundai Kia placed its media planning and buying account in review in numerous overseas markets, including Europe and parts of Asia and South America. The U.S. account is unaffected.
by on Jul 13, 4:00 PM
Sonny's Bar-B-Q named Engauge as its agency of record. The agency will handle creative, media planning and buying, interactive, social media and account management services.
by on Jul 13, 4:00 PM
W.J. Deutsch and Sons tapped The Burns Group to handle U.S. advertising duties on its Yellow Tail, Yellow Tail Reserve and Yellow Tail Sparkling brands, following a review. The account, valued at $10 million, was previously handled by Cramer-Krasselt New York.
by on Jul 13, 4:00 PM
Moroch | PR was named PR agency of record for global wellness provider, Mannatech Incorporated.
by on Jul 13, 4:00 PM
Beam Global awarded work on its Cruzan Rum brand to Fallon Worldwide.
by on Jul 13, 4:00 PM
Morton Hospital and Medical Center named Strategis as its agency of record. Commonwealth Creative previously handled the account. Billings were not released.