• BIZ DEV: Paddy Power Names WE ARE Pi As Brand Agency
    Paddy Power named Amsterdam-based WE ARE Pi as its brand agency, following a pitch handled by the AAR. First work was to leverage the excitement around the Rugby World Cup, by creating Paddy Power's match predictor called "The Big Game Hunter." An American dentist with a high powered rifle is charged with predicting matches in a series of online films where he hunts national team's icons. If a country's icon goes down, the dentist predicts they will lose the game. At the end of each video, Paddy Power highlights specific match odds for the game. "WE ARE Pi is our …
  • BIZ DEV: Ocean Media To Handle TV Media Buying For Weebly
    Web-hosting service, Weebly, tapped Ocean Media to handle its television media buying. Weebly has a simple and affordable website creation tool that allows people to showcase their work and sell products online. Ocean Media will handle all media planning and buying for a national campaign with a focus on driving new user acquisition. Spots will air on cable networks like TBS, HGTV, CNN and Spike. "Weebly is a perfect fit for our agency and we look forward to helping take their business and their brand to the next level," said Jay Langan, president of Ocean Media. "With their unique website …
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